Safe, thorough, easy. Instantly absorb spills of any kind and sweep them away. Area is left completely clean and dry
Absorbs: Chemicals, Bodily Fluids, Liquid and Semi-Liquid Foods, Anti-Freeze, Paint, and Petroleum Products
Absorbs up to 10 times more than clay-type (“kitty litter”) and other earthen sorbents
Don’t discard when empty. Refill from STARDUST 1.5 Cubic-Foot Bags (See Item D15CF)
USDA approved for use in food processing facilities
Certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
STARDUST Loose Super Absorbent is appropriately called a “super absorbent”, not only because of its high absorption capacity, but also because of its extraordinary versatility. It is “non-select”, meaning it does not have a limited range of efficacy. STARDUST is not injurious to humans, animals, soil, concrete, asphalt, tile, or plants. It contains no reactive chemicals, is not toxic, flammable, or biodegradable, and is environmentally safe and friendly.